Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Home facial beauty tips to control oil and have clear skin?

I'm looking for facial beauty tips that I can easily do at home? :) I've heard of stuff like honey and milk, honey and sugar, lemon and egg yolk, etc. Do you have any at-home tips for oil control, and to get rid of any red bumps or blemishes? I really want to get rid of some annoying red bumps that I have on the sides of my nose and on my chin. And I have a lot of blemishes and discoloration....can you help?Home facial beauty tips to control oil and have clear skin?
2 tablespoons of honey, 1/2 cup of strawberries, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of orange juice, mix it up smooth over face and leave for 15 minutes, before applying this boil some water and hold your face over it but not touching, so that the steam can open up your pores :)

also every hour or two just rinse your face with cool water and use phisohex antibacterial face wash (bought at any chemist) every second night before bed

it really works

hope i helped

xxHome facial beauty tips to control oil and have clear skin?
what is REALLY effective as far as removing oil from your face is astringent, which is cheap at CVS and it really doesnt matter what kind you buy. all you do is apply it to a cotton ball, rub it over your face, and it removes all the oil! I highly recommend using it if you have oily skin.

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